Harmonizing eBay Walter O. Alomar-Jiménez
The Remaining Hostility Towards Arbitration Shielded by the McCarran-Ferguson Act: How Far Should the Protection to Policyholders Go? Mariana I. Hernández-Gutiérrez
2009 SEC Proxy Amendments: A Problematic Solution to Shareholder Director Nomination Nicholas D. Harken
La acción derivativa como mecanismo de control y monitoreo en Puerto Rico José F. Gierbolini Bonilla
The Credit Crisis and Subprime Litigation: How Fraud Without Motive ‘Makes Little Economic Sense’ Peter H. Hamner
Creative Copyright for Creative Business Hiram A. Meléndez-Juarbe
Litigating the Gray Market: An Intellectual Property Approach to Curtailing Parallel Imports Isabel Torres Sastre
Abandoned and Unclaimed Property Law in Puerto Rico: Potential Impact on Businesses Francisco J. Rodríguez Bernier